Monday, September 9, 2013


Adore, the latest film from accomplished director Anne Fontaine is quite simply, a masterpiece. It's an astounding film on absolutely every level and it is one definitely worth seeing. So far I count this movie as one of the best of the year, and because of that I give Adore 5 buckets of Killer Korn (with extra butter).

Adore possesses the three key ingredients that all great films must have. Those are great story, great directing, and great acting. This movie has all three of those traits in abundance. When I first saw the trailer for this movie I couldn't wait to see it. It seemed to have such a taboo storyline that I was chomping at the bit for it to be released, and I told anyone I could about the movie. Starring Naomi Watts as Lil and Robin Wright as her best friend Roz, we first meet them as two little golden haired girls racing for the beach. Fast forward some twenty years and we catch up to them at the funeral of Lil's husband. They are neighbors in some remote part of Australia and they each have a son. Lil's son is Ian who is played by Xavier Samuel, and Roz' son is Tom who is played by James Frecheville.

Adapted from a short story by Doris Lessing entitled The Grandmothers, the two best friends fall deeply in love with the others son, and while that alone may be shocking, that's not the most surprising thing about this film, that comes at the end. The chemistry between the four main actors is phenomenal and at times director Anne Fontaine films this movie in such a way that you feel like you're eavesdropping and spying on these people and their lives. You follow these four people in love and you watch them sacrifice so much for each other, you watch them destroy lives and break hearts for each other throughout this film that it's almost unbearable at times. It is such a well crafted and well rendered film that I wished it didn't end. I personally wouldn't have minded another half hour added to the running time of an hour and forty minutes.

As well as Adore is written, directed, and acted, this movie is shot exquisitely. Cinematographer Christophe Beaucarne is a very talented man, though the location deserves some credit. Shot in beautiful Seal Rocks and Shelly Beach, New South Wales, and Sydney Australia, Adore is, in my opinion, the prettiest looking film of the year. Scored beautifully by Christopher Gordon and Antony Partos, the music added beauty, vulnerability, insecurity, and a passion to a film that almost didn't need music. From the lighting to the camera work to the color schemes to how the movie ends, Adore is exceptional. If you are looking for something worth seeing, something other than Riddick, then I highly recommend Adore. You will not be sorry, and I will see you at the theater.

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