Saturday, June 21, 2014

Think Like A Man Too

Think like A Man Too, the latest from director Tim Story is in league to be one of the worst films of the year in my opinion. It falls flat on almost every level and it has not one iota of the charm it's predecessor possessed. It truly was a waste of time and money and because of that I can only bring myself to give Think Like A Man Too a half a bucket of killer Korn.

I can't fucking stand a "cash grab movie", I hate them with a passion so intense it could cause a natural disaster. A "cash grab movie" is a movie that doesn't need to be made but because the first movie made a good amount at the box office, the producers decide to make another movie, a sequel in the hopes that the people will come out and see it like they did the first. Never mind the fact that after the opening weekend, word of mouth is going to scuttle the film and send it to the bottom of the ocean. They're fine with that as long as the movie opens big. Guess what ya'll, Think Like A Man Too may just very well sink to the bottom of the ocean after its big opening weekend.

Starring all the same players from the first one, this time around absolutely nothing has changed. There has been absolutely no growth or evolution in any of the characters or their relationships. The same problems that confronted the characters in the witty first movie are almost the same ones that confront them in this unnecessary and idiotic second one. Now I am aware that my opinion WILL be in the minority on this film and that people will probably talk about how much they loved it and how funny it was. I get that, and I'm cool with that because it happens almost all the time, but I don't care. I am not going to be fed bullshit by director Tim Story, writers Keith Merryman and David A. Newman, the films producers, and the marketing campaign and have them make me believe they are feeding me a five star Michelin meal.

Some of the actors look like they are there for a paycheck, and there is WAY too much Kevin Hart being Kevin Hart in this movie. Over the top is putting it mildly and his Risky Business routine falls flat. This time around, if you aren't aware, all the friends and their significant others converge in Las Vegas (yawn) for bachelor and bachelorette parties and a wedding. After the first film works to bring these couples together, this film rips them apart in the most hedonistic city in the country. What could POSSIBLY go wrong? This is a tired, predictable, and lame movie that I honestly hope does well. I'll tell you why.

The fate of a few potential Black films are hanging in the balance. Hollywood is waiting to see how Think does at the box office before green lighting a movie like Best Man 3. That is completely unfair and racist of Hollywood to put the burden on this movie to do well enough to see if the studios are willing to back other Black films when that same structure doesn't exist for white movies. And because I thought Best Man 2 was amazing I hope Think Like A Man Too earns enough money for studios to allow production to begin on other Black movies like Best Man 3. The question is will word of mouth not only kill this movie but future African American heavy films as well? Only time will tell but if I had a choice I would tell you all to stay away from this god awful film. The women are cardboard cutouts, what they want and feel don't matter as most of the screen time went to the guys. There is no personal growth recognizable in the beginning of the movie and they only come to those moments at the end, just like they did in the first one. All the women seem to want to do is get drunk and party. There are no moments of romance or joy in this movie and the chemistry that was so profound in the first movie was sorely missing this time around.

Honestly, everyone should skip Think Like A Man Too, save their money, and watch the original again. However, if we want a Best Man 3 and other Black movies, then this movie is going to need your support even though it doesn't deserve it on any level. I'll see you at the theater.  


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