Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wrath of The Titans

When Clash of The Titans subsided from the theaters, many people were still upset. Upset for mainly one thing, they felt the commercials and trailers were misleading. They felt the movie was going to possess far more action than it did. I would then ask those I knew one very simple question, "Did you see the original?". The original Clash was just as boring if not more so, so I never quite understood that complaint as I'm sure the producers of the remake didn't either BUT they took those complaints to heart and went back to the lab. Their concoction this time around? Wrath of The Titans, an action packed, open throttle adrenaline rush in sparkling 3D. Two problems with this movie though...

A- Sam Worthington is back and B- he was in a movie that really lacked any decent story. Zeus, played again by Liam Neeson is losing his power as man is turning away from the Gods and this time Hades, his brother played by again by Ralph Fiennes has a grander scheme than the Kracken. Hades wants to set his and Zeus' father Kronos and the rest of the Titans free. With the help of Zeus other son Ares played by Edgar Ramirez, Hades captures Zeus and feeds his power to Kronos who is imprisoned in Tartarus. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Zeus' other son, the indomitable Perseus sets about trying to get down to the underworld and Tartarus to free his dad and he is not alone.

He travels with Queen Andromeda played by Rosamund Pike, Agenor, the son of Poseidon played by Toby Kebbel, and Hephaestus the architect of the underworld played by Bill Nighy. Together these four, armed with the "God Weapons" make their journey. The movie deals with some serious sibling rivalry issues between Hades and Zeus and Perseus and Ares but it's not enough to drive this movie. Like I said, the 3D is sparkling but after awhile even that can begin to wear thin. Director Johnathan Liebesman does his best though to give you something new to look at every chance he gets. The Cyclops were a nice touch I have to admit.

Visually I'm sure the movie is as stunning in 2D as it is in 3D. When Kronos walks the earth, IMPRESSIVE!!! The whirling dervishes wielding blades and slicing through soldiers like butter was also a nice touch but honestly, I feel Clash was the better movie of the two. It looked better and even though Sam was in it, there was better acting not to mention better music. Clash was scored by Ramin Djawadi who's gone on to score Game of Thrones. Wrath was scored by Javier Navarrete. Where Ramin's score was focused and direct, Javier's is all over the place, much like the movie.

I would skip Wrath (if you already haven't) and spend your money on something far more entertaining like say....salmon fishing?

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