Wednesday, May 30, 2012


If you are anything like me then you were like "fuck Men In Black 3 cause Men In Black 2 SUCKED". You can admit it, you're safe here, we're all friends. Barry Sonnenfeld won't come and slap you to the floor, he thought MIB2 sucked too and HE directed it. I don't know what drew me, compelled me to see MIB3 but there I was, online for tickets, then online for my killer popcorn, then online to get seats. Honestly I thought all that standing in line was going to be a waste of time because I honestly thought MIB3 was going to truly suck but I was wrong (hey I've been wrong before, not often but it has happened once or twice). Most surprisingly, MIB3 was a pretty good movie with a great payoff at the end. It's apparent to me that the people who wrote MIB2 were slain and the producers found new writers to pen MIB3 (and if they didn't, they should have).

The movie opens up with a cake being delivered in jail by a very fetching Nicole Sherzinger to Boris the Animal. Boris is played by the hilarious Jemaine Clement who I will always associate with musical comedy group Flight of the Conchords. If you have no idea who they are then shame on you (Youtube em). Boris breaks out of prison and is hell bent on revenge against Tommy Lee Jones' Agent K for taking off one of his arms. To keep that from ever happening Boris plans to go back in time to kill K and prevent him from setting up the ark net that keeps earth safe from Boris' people who wish to invade our planet. Agent J, that would be Will Smith knows something is up and is all about finding out just what is going on. He finds out that he has to go back in time, to 1969 to be exact to not only save K but to make sure the ark net gets deployed. Let the racist stereotypes and hilarity ensue.

Going back in time, Agent J gets to meet the younger Agent K who is played perfectly by Josh Brolin. He does a great Tommy Lee impersonation. Also in this film is Agent O played by the lovely Emma Thompson who takes the place of Zed. That's pretty much it for the key cast members but don't even notice that because Will carries this movie like Atlas. He's in virtually every shot of Barry's movie and it's a good thing too because without Will and his hijinks, this movie falls completely apart. He's the glue, the heart, and the engine that makes this puppy go. There's way too much CG but then you'd expect that in a film about an organization that polices extra-terrestrials here on earth. Scored yet again by the talentless Danny Elfman, he gives MIB3 the same feel that he gave to the two previous MIB films (and no one wants to be associated with the second one).

All in all MIB3 is a quality film even if Will looks like he wishes he were somewhere else at times. I recommend it because I'm pretty sure you won't be sorry you saw it. Plus the ending of this film will almost help you get over the bad taste that 2 left in your mouth. I swear and I'll see you at the theater.

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