Sunday, September 16, 2012

Raiders of the Lost Ark in IMAX

I saw this movie when it first came out, back in 1981. I was twelve years old and I was blown away. Raiders of the Lost Ark solidified my love for the movies (Empire Strikes Back which came out a year before was my first love) and made me a die hard Spielberg fan. When I heard this movie was being re-released in IMAX, the twelve year old inside me told me simply "WE ARE GOING!".

I sat in my seat, popcorn in my lap, soda in my hand and suddenly when the movie started I was twelve years old again. My feet hung off the seat because my legs were too short to reach the floor. The bucket of popcorn in my lap was huge as was the tub of soda, and I had a box of Lemonheads in my pocket (I always had Lemonheads when I went to the movies back then).

I was throwing every punch, reciting every word, humming along with John Williams' masterful score, and having the time of my life watching Indy chase down the Ark against his rival Belloq. All to keep it out of Nazi Germany's hands. I don't know who is responsible for re-releasing one of my all time favorite movies (in IMAX no less) and I don't know how long it's playing but if you can catch it, catch it. I HIGHLY recommend it because I bet you're feet won't touch the floor either.

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