Saturday, February 9, 2013

Top Gun in IMAX

Last year during the Summer, Paramount chose to see fit to re-release Raiders of the Lost Ark back in the theaters for a week, in IMAX format no less. I rushed to the theater to check it out because how could I not. They've done it again, this time it was the paradigm shifting, testosterone heavy Top Gun. Yes it was in IMAX format, but that's not all, it was also in 3D! Now I have often stated here on my blog that 3D is usually a complete waste of money, but I didn't give a damn about that when I bought my ticket and hightailed it to the theater.

It had been years since I saw this movie in the theater, which was made painfully clear when the credits appeared. Two of the three men responsible for bring this film to life are now dead, producer Don Simpson and director Tony Scott. I must say this though, Top Gun, in IMAX, with it's eardrum blasting sound of jet fighters streaking across the screen, hasn't lost a damn thing. It still has that ability to make your pulse quicken. I know it had my younger brother on the edge of his seat. For me, it brought me back to feeling like that twelve year old kid again, when the movie theater was my sanctuary, the bucket of popcorn was bigger than me, and those characters on the screen were my friends.

It was great seeing Maverick and Goose back on the big screen again and I recommend seeing them like that again if you can, as soon as you can. It's only in the theaters for one week and while the ticket price is a bit extreme, I firmly believe it's worth every penny. To whoever thought to re-release this movie again in IMAX, all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my twelve year old heart.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you were grinning from ear to ear! I love that smile. Lol :-)
