Friday, August 30, 2013

You're Next

You're Next, the woefully stupid and highly unimaginative "horror" film from (and I use this term loosely) director Adam Wingard is a complete waste of time. This movie is full of every single horror movie moment that's been done to DEATH, and done better by the way, that this movie is a complete and utter failure. Because of that, You're Next get's nada, zippo, zilch in terms of any Killer Korn. Not even a damn kernel.

I got suckered into seeing this movie because the advertising and marketing kept using one word over and over again, original. That word in conjunction with horror films isn't a word often used so I became curious. That was a mistake and a half. This so called horror movie is your basic girlfriend of supposed good guy meets supposed good guys wealthy parents and their other children on the weekend of their wedding anniversary. They meet in a house that is so remote and out of the way, out in the middle of nowhere that by the time the bodies are found it could be months later.

During dinner the bad guys strike in such stupid ways that I actually laughed. This crap was written by writer (and I use that term loosely as well) Simon Barret, and what is supposed to be a horror movie is nothing more than a lame home invasion involving patricide. The home invaders in interesting animal masks didn't count on the girlfriend of the supposed good guy being just as much a killer as they are. Erin, played by Sharni Vinson grew up in the Outback on a survival colony where dear old dad taught her how to hunt and kill and she uses those skills here to pretty much kill everyone involved in the attack, including the boyfriend.

If home invasion movies are your thing and you want to be frightened, check out The Strangers instead of this garbage. Now if you've seen this movie before I could get the review up then let me apologize. I am so sorry you wasted your time and money on this lame ass film and if I could, if there was a way I would definitely refund your money. Yes, THAT'S how bad this movie is, and believe me the next time a horror movie marketing campaign uses the word "original", I'm running in the other direction. See you at the theater!

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