Monday, July 6, 2015

Inside Out

Inside Out, the latest film from writer/director Pete Doctor and directer Ronald Del Carmen is an absolutely fantastic movie which honestly surprised me. Not only is it funny but it possesses a large heart with a relatable message at it's core. Is it a perfect movie? Absolutely not but it is a movie I really think everyone should check out and because of that I give Inside Out four buckets of Killer Korn.

I really wasn't going to see this Inside Out but I'm glad I did and you will be too if you decide to check it out. Now this review is going to be short because animated movies don't really require certain insights into them that live action movies do, so be warned. Inside Out is the charming story of a young girl named Riley who is voiced by relative newcomer Kaitlyn Dias. We meet Riley at birth and that's when we're also introduced to Joy, voiced by Amy Poehler. Joy is Riley's key emotional cog and she commands the emotional control panel. Joy is under the impression that it's just going to be the two of them forever. That idea crashes and burns when Anger, voiced by legendary comedian Lewis Black, Disgust, voiced by Mindy Kaling, Sadness, voiced by Phyllis Smith, and Fear, voiced by Bill Hader all show up to pitch in with Joy to make Riley as emotionally well rounded as possible. They all get thrown for a loop however when Riley's father, voiced by Kyle MacLachlan and her mother, voiced by Diane Lane move the three of them from Minnesota to San Francisco.

Joy does her best to ensure that Riley is upbeat and appears supportive of the move while Fear is petrified of leaving the surroundings they have all grown very comfortable with. Anger is outraged but is held in check as is Sadness who can't seem to stop touching Riley's memories turning them sad, much to the chagrin of Joy. It's not until Sadness touches one of Riley's core memories does Inside Out take off. In an effort to try and save the core memories, Joy and Sadness get trapped in Riley's labyrinth of her mind amidst all of her memories. The race back to headquarters is both a hilarious and sad journey fraught with hijinks and peril. In my opinion Inside Out is one of the best films of the year, animated or live action (I still think Mad Max: Fury Road is THE best so far). I would highly recommend seeing it even if you don't have any children, they won't get it anyway. Inside Out is an adult film just animated and centered around a twelve year old girl. Because of that it is worth the price of admission. I'll see you at the theater.

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