Thursday, December 24, 2015

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens, the newest offering from writer/director JJ. Abrams is a spectacular spectacle. It's chock full of adventure, humor, and heroics. That's not to say it's perfect because it's not. There are far too many holes and old ideas passed off as new. What it is though is what Star Wars has always been synonymous with (well the original trilogy anyway) and that's FUN! It's that fun factor that earns Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens four buckets of Killer Korn.

I am warning you now before you read any further, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS in this review. If you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want it spoiled in any way then STOP READING!!!

Now back to our regularly scheduled review.

There are some juicy tidbits regarding the movie to discuss but they'll be brought up later. What can be discussed now is how JJ Abrams masterfully delivered the shits and giggles. The story is somewhat convoluted and we have no real idea who the movie is about (is it about Rey, Finn, Luke?), but JJ and  co-writers Lawrence Kasdan (the writer of Empire and Jedi), and Michael Arndt (with Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Oblivion to his credit) delivered characters that are interesting, funny, heroic, and human. JJ the director just did what he does, deliver a visual feast for the eyes (without his trademark lens flare). He's no Irvin Kershner but Awakens had similarities of Kershner's Empire, at least stylistically. Thematically however, Awakens is more in line with Star Wars and Jedi as Empire was the only Star Wars movie without a weapon of planetary destruction as the center piece. This time around the dark side is represented by Kylo Ren, The First Order, and their planetary system destroying weapon, the Starkiller Base.

Luke Skywalker is missing. His sister, General Organa wants to find her brother and bring him home. The  Resistance she is in commanding needs him because the dark side is becoming more powerful and he is the last known Jedi. The entire movie is all about finding Luke but the Starkiller Base needs to be dealt with since it's next target is the planet that the resistance is using for it's home base. If that sounds familiar then you are not new to the Star Wars game. I'm personally beginning to wonder when the Empire/First Order is going to learn from their past mistakes. They've already lost two planet destroying battle stations so who knows what made them think this one would last but that's not my biggest beef with this movie as Starkiller Base almost seems like an afterthought (that is until Han Solo get's killed by his son). My biggest beef is that this movie doesn't focus on one character. We the viewer don't know who we should be emotionally invested in. In Star Wars we met Luke and it was through Luke that we met Obi-Wan, Han, and Leia. In Awakens we meet Finn, a Stormtrooper from the First Order who wants out and Rey, a scavenger from the planet Jakku who's waiting on her family to return. The two wind up running from the First Order together and going on a life changing adventure with BB-8 in tow.

As I stated earlier, Awakens is a great feast for the eyes and that's due in large part to cinematographer Daniel Mindel. He's worked with JJ on his Star Trek films so they both have a good idea what each other wants. JJ also usually works with Oscar award winning composer Michael Giacchino but how can there be a Star Wars movie without the maestro John Williams behind the score? That idea is inconceivable so John did his best to craft a score befitting a Star Wars movie. Sadly in my opinion John's score was more reminiscent of his Harry Potter compositions than his earlier Star Wars works. It's my hope that the next film has a more dynamic, thematic, and potentially iconic score. I left the theater definitely wanting more which is what the producers and the director wants because as of this writing they are currently filming the follow up. I personally can't wait and I'm sure when you see Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens you will feel the same and I'll see you at the theater.

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