Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Amazing Spider Man 2

The Amazing Spider Man 2, the latest film by director Marc Webb is a slight improvement over his first Spider Man film, but not by much. Much like the first one did nothing for me, this one didn't deliver either. I wasn't wow'd nor was I impressed by anything I saw on the screen. Because of that I give The Amazing Spider Man 2 one lone bucket of Killer Korn.

If you've been a reader of my blog then you know all about that little twelve year old boy that sometimes inhabits this body and comes out when there's a movie that excites him, or comes out when a movie can coax him away from his comic books and video games. Well The Amazing Spider Man 2 didn't excite that twelve year old boy, but I thought it might entice him to come out and play for a little while. Was I ever wrong about that! The Amazing Spider man 2, and I'm sure I'll be in the minority on this much like Captain America 2, was for the lack of a better word, boring. There wasn't a thing exciting, riveting, or amazing (see what I did there?) about this movie. Once again Peter Parker is played by the charming Andrew Garfield, Gwen Stacy by his real love life interest Emma Stone, and Sally Field is again aunt May. This time around they are joined by Oscar award winner Jamie Foxx who plays Max/Electro, Dane DeHaan who plays Harry Osbourne/Green Goblin, and Paul Giamatti as Aleksei Sytsevich/Rhino.

While the premise in this movie is nowhere near as ludicrous in the previous movie, this movie belonged in the teen angst section of your local video store. Peter struggles with dating Gwen and not dating Gwen because he's haunted by images of her father who died in the first movie, but not before telling Peter/Spiderman to leave his daughter alone. While he struggles with this, Harry Osbourne returns home to from boarding school just in time to watch his father die from some hereditary disease that he and Peter's dad was supposedly seeking a cure for. That totally goes against the story line of the first movie, but whatevvs, right? Who cares about that, and hey, who remembers the first film anyway. One of the biggest problems with this movie is that it takes forever for the action to start. The Green Goblin and The Rhino don't make an appearance until the end and of course the Black man does all the heavy lifting only to eventually (and always) be the first to die. BOOOORING!

The Amazing Spider Man 2 bored the hell out of my twelve year old self and he couldn't wait to get back to his comics and video games, which were far more interesting than anything he saw on the screen. The best part of the movie was the end (ironically) as Spidey tries to save Gwen (if you aren't up on that story line I won't ruin it for you). The other problem with this movie is that there was nothing new. Counting Sam Raimi's movies, in twelve years there's been FIVE Spider Man movies. I don't know about anyone else but I am burnt out on Spidey. He can't do anything I haven't already seen and oh great, they just announced Spider Man 3 dropping in 2016. I think I'll leave the twelve year old alone when that hits and I'll see you at the theater.


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