Tuesday, September 3, 2013

True Blood Bows Out!

It looks like all you fang bangers out there will have to find a new show, or at the very least a hobby. Why is that you ask? It's because next season of True Blood will be the last season of True Blood. So after the last episode there will be no more adventures of Sookie Stackhouse and her motley crew down in Bon Temps (pronounced Taw), Louisiana.

I can't say I blame the show for finally bowing out. Creatively there was nowhere else the show could clearly go without making a mess of itself. After last season where Bill Compton became a God and saved vampire kind and made them all day walkers, along with saving Sookie from the half fairy, half vampire murderous Marlow, and Tara became a vampire herself I think they mined all they could creatively. What would be next, Sookie on the moon?

I think True Blood needs to bring the final season back home, back to the beginning. Bring it back to the charm True Blood originally possessed that drew the fans in, in hordes. To try to top last season would be a huge mistake in my opinion. I feel the show should bow out by showing the viewer that nothing is going to change in Bon Temps, that life will go on as un-usual, back when we all first tuned in. That would rock for me and it would be one hell of a send off, once they get rid of the zombies of course.

Farewell True Blood, thanks for everything.


1 comment:

  1. "After last season where Bill Compton became a God and saved vampire kind and made them all day walkers, along with saving Sookie from the half fairy, half vampire murderous Marlow, and Tara became a vampire herself I think they mined all they could creatively." <~Speechless. lol
